Ends the Land Suddenly

What better way to start Year 2 on the MA Travel and Nature Writing course than to see a piece of my writing appear in Little Toller’s online journal The Clearing? I’ve enjoyed reading many pieces there, admiring the way writers bring to life their understanding of place, nature, context and self. It’s a thrill to appear alongside these.

My piece on Spurn, that thin strip of land at the mouth of the Humber, was inspired by the realisation that I’d visited there at least once in each of my sixty years. When I discovered that a favourite - and relevant - poem came into being almost at the time I did, I saw a potential fusion of Larkin’s words and my own recollections.

I hope you enjoy reading my words about a very special place. Here is the link to it: Ends the Land Suddenly by Paul Gamble - Little Toller Books


Gerald, of Wakefield